Helpful Tips

Cooking and Food Prep Tips
– Schedule time to spend prepping food in the kitchen
– A high quality sharp kitchen knife is your new best friend
– Freezing meals or part of meals is super helpful

Daily Checklist
– Think through food plan for next day
– Drink water
– Get heart rate up
– Stretch full body
– Ergonomic movements, get up from your computer and stretch
– Get your veggies in, even if you’re not have a perfect eating day, squeezing in three servings of veggies is important
– Reach out to at least one friend or family member (not just through FB likes)
– Think of 3 things you’re grateful for

Travel Tips
– Keep GF soy sauce packets in your bag and glove department
– Pack snacks like chex mix and apples
– Research restaurant options at the location you’re going ahead of time